
Wow m+ recommended addons
Wow m+ recommended addons

It's also worth noting that this works against any immobilization effects, and with Engineering being so popular you can count on almost everyone having Gnomish Net-o-Matic Projector.

wow m+ recommended addons

Escape Artist is another very versatile ability and gives you game vs any class that relies on speed control as a win condition in PVP (mage, hunter, etc.).

wow m+ recommended addons

  • Gnome - As a rule of thumb, I think any race that has an activated ability is worth considering and gnome is no exception.
  • Dwarf - What is probably my favorite Alliance race also comes with one of the more versatile (and thus one of the more powerful) racials in the form of Stoneform notable uses of this include dispelling other rogue's poisons (including an active Blind), dispelling bleeds from a warrior or rogue, and also just simply increasing armor by 10%.
  • Human - For the Alliance faction you can't get any better than human because of and.
  • wow m+ recommended addons

    Because of this, this guide will be broken down into simply Rogue and Warrior. It's not uncommon for a raid to be comprised of 22 warriors (especially on horde side), so I'm writing this introduction with a bit of a disclaimer: while there are several classes that can technically deal damage in melee range of an enemy, only rogues and warriors will be brought to a competitive raid. In the world of Classic World of Warcraft, melee dps are the kings of the game. If you enjoy his written guides, be sure to follow him on his other pages for more Classic WoW content: Youtube, Twitch, and Twitter. Krug is a veteran member of both the Classic and Retail World of Warcraft communities. Hello and welcome to the Melee DPS guide for Classic World of Warcraft: I'm going to be telling you a little about what you can expect as a melee dps, and then tell you a little about each of the classes, let us begin:

    Wow m+ recommended addons